On 6th March 2003 a Border-guards‘ club which is ruled by the club statute was established on the initiative of some enthusiasts. An overall meeting of members elects the club board, audit and ethics commissions, the club‘s treasurer and his assistant. The club has got its emblem and flag. A retired lieutenant colonel Algis Balaišis has been the first chairman of the club for 8 years. In 2013 a former commander of State Border Guard Service (SBGS) a retired general Algimantas Songaila was elected as the chairman of the Border-guards‘ club.
The motto of the Border-guards‘ club is „We were, we are, we will be !“. It joins ex-border-guards, present and future ones, their family members and other people who approve these activities.
The objectives and goals of the club are as follows:
- To foster the history and traditions of the Lithuanian border guarding;
- To promote members’ cultural and social communication;
- To take care of training of civil responsibility;
- To defend legitimate interests of the club members;
- To arrange lectures, reports, discussion evenings and exhibitions;
- To publish articles on patriotic and state border guarding topics in the press;
- To prepare publications about club activity;
- To collect and analyse material about the history and traditions of Lithuanian state border guarding, give it to the Border-guards‘ museum;
- To establish and expand communication with national or international organizations, associations or clubs which propagate the similar objectives and goals and are engaged in the similar activities;
- To organize excursions, trips to places of interest, historical or memorable ones in Lithuania or abroad;
- To fully support SBGS, to popularize its activity, to give suggestions for improving its performance.
In 2006 medals „We were, we are, we will be“ of I and II levels and in 2013 an anniversary medal „10 years to the Border-guards‘ club“ were established. The club has got its Code of Ethics and its website:
There are regional units of Vilnius (with 8 subunits, one of them in Kaunas), Visaginas, Ignalina (with subunits in Adutiškis and Švenčionys), Medininkai, Marijampolė, Pagėgiai, Klaipėda and Pasvalys-Rokiškis.
In 2013 the club united 253 members.
During the 10 years of the club activities the members visited most of the structural units of the SBGS, saw the change and improvement of its infrastructure, the growth of the professional level and the quality of the service. Historical and other places to sightsee were visited, excursions to various Lithuanian museums were organized, Lithuanian army and police units were visited.
The club members prepared and organized a lot of reports and lectures to club members, to students of the Border-guards‘ school, to students of Department of State Border Protection, Faculty of Public Security at Mykolas Romeris University, to service employees; they helped to collect exhibits to the Borders’ museum, they shared their memories about the first difficult steps of the state border guarding, about the OMON’s terrorism and the participation in the events of January 1991.
Every year the club arranges jamborees which are the biggest club events. The club is successful in saving the historical memory and researching the history of state border guarding, propagating it and giving meaning to it. The club chairman Algis Balaišis made a great impact to this area, he became the author and co-author of some books dedicated to the history of the state border guarding.
The members of Border-guards’ club take an active part in commemorating Gintaras Žagunis who was the first border-guard to lose his life during his service after restoration of Lithuanian independence on 19 May, 1991. Remembrance of Aleksandras Barauskas, the first border-guard to lose his life from the Soviet invader’s hand on 15 June, 1940, was immortalized on the initiative of the club and Borders’ museum. In 2005 (after his death) A. Barauskas was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Cross of Vytis, a commemorating mark was put in the place of his death in the village of Ūta, Varėna region in 2006, it was funded by Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania. Dubičiai cordon, Varėna district was named after A. Barauskas by the direction of the State Border Guard Service.
Every year by the club’s initiative the border-guards of the SBGS districts pay regard to the colleagues, who lost their lives, in different places of Lithuania.
The club has signed the cooperation agreement with the State Border Guard Service, with Retired officers’ union, established a connection with Latvian Border veterans’ association, on 27th November, 2010 the club joined the agreement between non-governmental organisations which help to strengthen Lithuanian state defensive capacities.
In 2012 the Border-guards’ club joined the initiative given by the direction of the State Defence Department and the first Ministry of State Defence of the restored Lithuanian Republic to establish certificates to the soldiers and national guard who swore the oath of allegiance, carried out professional military service, officer’s, residual service, compulsory military service or national guard’s service from the foundation of State Defence Department on 25th April, 1990 till the 31st August, 1993 when the Russian Federation armed forces were withdrawn from Lithuania. After club’s negotiations 278 certificates were given to club members, present or past officers of SBGS.
In 2013 the club started a new initiative and together with 8 young border-guards’ clubs, which unite 153 members, signed the Declaration on expansion of young border-guards’ clubs in order to broaden the activity of these clubs and to unite them.
In 2013 the club celebrated its 10th anniversary in historical Officers’ House in Kaunas.
Our contacts:
Club of Border guards
Savanoriu av. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania
We shall be very grateful for your assistance to and support of the Club (association).
According to Lithuanian law, assistance may be rendered in the form of monetary assets, any other property of the assisting person (entity), including the goods manufactured or acquired by them, and/or services. The nature of assistance may not be assets of national monetary funds, monetary assets of national or municipal bodies, tobacco or tobacco products, alcohol or alcoholic beverages, or articles subject to restricted circulation.
Ways to assist:
1) to transfer monetary assets, any other property, including goods manufactured or acquired, and/or render services, on a gratis basis;
2) to provide property for uncompensated use;
3) to bequeath property;
4) to assist otherwise insofar as this is permitted under Lithuanian law and international instruments.
Essential information:
Entity Code 195766053
Current Account LT35 7300 0100 7849 0759
Thank you for your cooperation!
Rytoj gimtadienį švęs: Sandra SASNAUSKIENĖ Greitai gimtadienį švęs: Albinas ZOBĖLA
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